Join the club!



例えば、あまりにもテストが難しくて全然できなかったと、ブツブツ文句を言っていたら、友達が「同じく、私も!」の意で'join the club'と言う。

join the ˈclub (informal) used when sth bad that has happened to sb else has also happened to you

So you didn't get a job either? Join the club!

[Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary]

Jóin the clúb! =Wélcome to the clúb!


“It took me almost three hours to get to work today!”“Join the club! It took me three and a half. I don’t think I can take this snow much longer.”



Join the club !

«口» (運が悪いのは)ぼくも同じだ,お互いさま.

[リーダーズ英和辞典 第3版]

Written by Kiriyone