
couldn't be better

Doing rock climbing couldn't be better! この上なく、最高だ! Written by Kiriyone

少なくともは、at least 多くてもは??

At (the) most, only ten people will come to the party. (多くても、10人しかそのパーティーに来ないでしょう。) At the latest, Simon will come here by 8 pm. (遅くても、サイモンは午後8時までにここに来るでしょう。) written by uno

Where was it from?

会話の中でよく聞くフレーズ! Look! I bought the new dress for the formal party. Wow! That's nice. Where was it from? (どこで手に入れたの?) It's from Vennise. That's the second hand shop. I'll go there this weekend. written by uno

good buy!

I bought a new camera! How much was it? Only 400 bucks! That's good buy!! (いい買い物だね!!) buy 【名詞】【可算名詞】 《口語》 1買い入れ,購買. 2a[通例修飾語を伴って] 買った物,買い物. 用例 a bad buy つまらない買い物. b格安品,掘り出し物…



hit the spot

Nothing hits the spot like some Kebabs when I am really really hungry! 本当にお腹がすいているときは、ケバブにかぎる! hít the spót 《略式》〈飲食物が〉〔人を〕満足させる, 元気づける〔with〕;〈物が〉申し分ない A cup of tea would hit the sp…